Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Here it is, nearly midnight, and it's looking like the whole shebang may be over before long. Florida has been decided. Ohio remains in doubt, but barely. Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan? Too close to call. No one wants to call the national race just yet, but the general discussion has begun the drift from "what's happening" to "what happened." And the word that keeps coming up is "values."

So, what are these "values" of which they speak? What "values" are being deemed to be making the difference on this long election night?

[MSNBC just called Ohio and Alaska for Bush. For the moment, I can't continue writing. I'll revisit this when the dust has settled -- or begins to fly in earnest.]

[Well, the dust has now settled -- and won't fly. Kerry has conceded, the senate races are decided (55-44-1) and now we move on. I'll revisit this post down the road a piece.]

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